The Smile of a Woman

A regression into the comfortable contempt for the digitization of my thoughts has led to a neglect for this site which I am now adequately warmed up to overcome, at least for another moment or two.  Although I have all but forgotten of the site, my journal remained close to my heart and even closer to […]

On Skiing Without Snow

The neglect of sleep never fails to appear feasible until the following afternoon when the body begins to sputter and lag to reveal the falsity of that feasibility.  This is accompanied by any number of individual symptoms that differ from mind to mind and day to day—mine is a squatting pang behind my right eye […]

Last Movement

There come moments when a man questions the integrity of his senses for a certain incongruence that cannot be otherwise understood unless the senses are at least momentarily interrogated.  I sit in a restaurant that’s all but empty despite the talented yet evidently humble aged man on the piano—if I had not come across one […]

The Artist

The artist finds inspiration in art, regardless of form, for to perceive it is to find justification in resuming along that path of creation.  The work harbors an aspect of its creator and for so long as it remains, the artist responsible resounds, thus he reaps the fruits he toiled for in giving himself entirely […]